Partnerships between business and afterschool programs can be mutually beneficial as each have unique strengths to offer one another. When establishing partnerships it helps to understand what each bring to the table.

When Approaching business consider the value proposition of why they should support your program and what messages resonate.
Challenges businesses face:
Building talent pipeline
Employability skill gaps
Community reputation
Employee attraction and retention
Messages that resonates:
Keep it simple
Out-of-School Time Programs keep kids safe; Expand Learning; supports working families
Worker productivity
Future workforce skill building
Opportunities for employee engagement in the community
Where do you find businesses/organizations and how do you know if they are a good fit?

Afterschool Toolkit: Community to Business:Tools and Resources that Benefit Businesses: This toolkit has been designed by Corporate Voices for Working Families to serve as a resource that will help after school advocates, navigate the business world and form lasting partnerships that will benefit the business community, the after school programs, the parents and, most important, the youth who need these programs.
Templates and Samples
Keeping Partnerships Positive
You've got some great business and community partnership. Great Job! Ensure that the relationship stays positive:
- Communication: Keep everyone informed and on the same page.
- Share Outcomes: Provided data and outcomes to prove the benefits of the partnership and to inform next steps.
- Appreciation: Recognize the effort and impact that your organization has brought to your program, Thank you cards, Appreciation events, recognition on materials, etc